Sunday, June 2, 2013

How to Avoid Falling in Love with a Jerk

In the book, How to Avoid Falling in Love with a Jerk, by John Van Epp, there is a model on how to avoid falling for the wrong person. It's called the Relationship Attachment Model Plan, or the R.A.M. Plan. This plan has 5 different parts that can help you to decipher how your relationship is going.

I learned that you do not want to go higher on a scale than you have on the previous one. For example, you can't really rely on someone if you don't truly know them. You also wouldn't want to become physical with someone if you can't trust them.

I feel like this is one of the problems of relationships today. Too many individuals are high on the physical scale, but they are low on all of the others. I think that when you become physical with someone, even if you are just holding hands, you are giving a part of yourself to that individual. You are also showing that you care for that person and that you trust them.

As I start looking for my future husband, I will try to follow this plan. I will get to know a guy before I show trust in him. I will also trust him before I can rely on him. After I know I can rely on him, I will commit to him. And, lastly, after I have committed to him, I will begin to become physical with him. Meaning, I will let him hold my hand, and I'll let him kiss me. But I won't go beyond that until I am married to him.

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